Photo at Diamond Beach, Iceland

Hee-Seung Moon

I am an assistant professor in School of CSE at Chung-Ang University, where I lead the Computational Human-AI Interaction (CHAI) lab. My research interests lie at the intersection of human–computer interaction and artificial intelligence, focusing on computational modeling of human behavior to deepen our understanding and inference of individual users.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computational Behavior Lab at Aalto University under the supervision of Prof. Antti Oulasvirta. Before that, I received my Ph.D. from Yonsei University under the co-advision of Prof. Jiwon Seo and Byungjoo Lee.

Contact: hsmoon [at]
Curriculum Vitae  • Google Scholar


• Sep. 2024: 🔥 CHAI lab launches its official website.

• Sep. 2024: 🏫 I am starting my assistant professorship in Chung-Ang University CSE!

• May. 2024: 🇨🇭 In June, I will visit Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab (led by Prof. Christian Holz) at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

• Apr. 2024: 🥇 Received Honorable Mention Award for my biomechanical simulation paper at CHI 2024!

• Jan. 2024: ✨ 1 paper is conditionally accepted to CHI 2024 (Project Page).

• Aug. 2023: 🎉 I have been selected as a recipient of International Postdoc Fellowship from NRF Korea.

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Research Topics

Biomechanical simulation of user behavior

Biomechanical simulations offer insightful priors on human motion, eliminating the need for intensive data collection. The simulation-based approach enhances interaction research, design, and optimization by streamlining computational efficiency and deepens our understanding of human motion. My work employs RL to optimize artificial agents with human biomechanics, facilitating studies in interactive domains like VR and collaborative robotics.

• Publications › CHI 2024

Simulation-based inference of users

Simulation-based inference harnesses compuataional models of behaviors to deepen our understanding of individual users in HCI. Yet, traditional methods are time-intensive, taking hours and days to infer parameters for single user profile. My research innovates in this space, 1) enhancing efficiency of behavior simulation across individuals and 2) applying amortized inference, to slash this duration to milliseconds, enabling instant, individual-level prediction and inference.

• Publications › CHI 2023 / CHI 2022

Few-shot adaptation of user behavior model

Variations in behavior among individuals significantly impact the accuracy of human motion predictions. While recent data-driven neural methods offer enhanced precision, they often overlook the need for effective adaptation to individual users, applying uniform model parameters universally. My research employs a meta-learning framework, uniquely enabling rapid model adaptation to previously unseen users, thus personalizing predictions.

• Publications › CHI 2021 / IEEE RA-L

Selected Publications

* You can find the complete list of my publications here.

Real-time 3D Target Inference via Biomechanical Simulation
H.-S. Moon, Y.-C. Liao, C. Li, B. Lee, and A. Oulasvirta
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2024
**Best Paper Honorable Mention**
Video Link Project Page
Amortized Inferece with User Simulations
H.-S. Moon, A. Oulasvirta, and B. Lee
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023
Video Link Project Page
Speeding up Inference with User Simulators through Policy Modulation
H.-S. Moon, S. Do, W. Kim, J. Seo, M. Chang, and B. Lee
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2022
Video Link Project Page
Fast User Adaptation for Human Motion Prediction in Physical Human–Robot Interaction
H.-S. Moon and J. Seo
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 7, no. 1, 2022
Link arXiv
Optimal Action-based or User Prediction-based Haptic Guidance: Can You Do Even Better?
H.-S. Moon and J. Seo
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021
Video Link arXiv

Awards & Honors

Best Paper Honorable Mention  • ACM CHI 2024
Real-time 3D Target Inference via Biomechanical Simulation

International Postdoc Fellowship  • Sep. 2023 - Aug. 2024
National Research Foundation of Korea

Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews
CHI 2022 (1 paper), CHI 2023 (2 papers, 1 LBW), CHI 2024 (1 paper)

Excellent Academic Paper Award  • 2022
Yonsei University, South Korea

Graduate Fellowship  • 2015 - 2019
ICT Consilience Creative Program, Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea

Undergraduate Fellowship  • 2012 - 2015
ICT Consilience Creative Program, Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea

Minister Award  • 2014
Creative ICT Convergence Korea 2014, Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea

Hee-Seung Moon  |  hsmoon [at]